Location: Mazara del Vallo - Italy
Year of installation: 2022 + 2023
Number of Units: 3
Type: Self-Cleaning Toilet “REALE SWING”.
Project dettail:
Within a short period of time we came to install n 3 self-cleaning toilets in the beautiful tourist city of Mazara del Vallo - Trapani
2 toilets have been installed on the waterfront in open spaces with our solution monoblock.
1 toilet has been installed inside a premises near the historic center. The City recovered an abandoned space of old traditional toilet that It has been close lot years ago..
The Self-Cleaning Toilets have been customized with specific customer requests including water saving. Indeed, it is possible to have significant water savings during summer periods.
Each toilet can be used indiscriminately by men, women, and people with disabilities, and all are provided with paid access..
Washing, sanitizing and drying technology: SWING
The “SWING” technology washing system realize: